Sunday, March 10, 2013


It is so crazy how quickly each week is passing right now!  Last time I wrote an update was over a week ago....and that is just madness to me!  I guess with a busy work schedule and a busy home schedule, time just gets away from me.

So, yesterday was my weigh in.  I also decided to take measurements for the first time.

Weigh in went well.  I still didn't hit my BIG milestone goal, but every week gets me closer.  I am hoping, hoping, hoping that this next weigh in will do it!!!

I ended up losing 3.2 lbs.

Total weight loss right now is 27.8 lbs.

I'm not going to lie, I feel pretty good about that.  Even though there were some weeks that didn't go exactly how I had hoped, in the end it has all added up to a chunk of weight loss that I am pretty happy about!  NOW, I still have a long way to go, but I am feeling great about things so far.

I told Chris, my very supportive spouse who is currently on his own weight loss journey, that I am feeling a little nervous because this is the point in my weight loss attempts where I have repeatedly milestone in sight, within a hair's breath of achieving it...I fall apart.  I am determined NOT to allow that to happen this time.  Even if I don't hit this milestone next week, every week of progress gets me closer to it, right?? So, I am just going to keep moving forward!

This week a couple of moments that stood out this week:

  • I had my first "Hey, you look like you have lost weight comment".  Always nice to hear!  A little frustrating it takes almost 30 lbs. lost to hear it, but that is normal for me.  I'm big and it takes a while for it to be noticeable.
  • Big Stir Fry break through this week (yes, I realize how ridiculous that sentence sounds!).  We typically stir fry with frozen veggies.  This week, out of shear necessity (our frozen stir fry veggies were freezer burned) we used fresh veggies for our stir fry.  Oh. My. Hell.  What have I been missing!  I have never looked forward to our stir fry, but I will now!  The fresh veggies tasted SO good!  The whole dish was fantastic!  AND, so low in calories!  I am looking for new, fresh ways to stir fry, so if you have any recommendations, let me know.

Some things I struggled with over this last week:

  • Although the feedback from the scale is great, I still struggle when I look in the mirror.  That really frustrates me - I am a fairly confident person, in spite of my weight - but right now, I am struggling.  I keep finding so many faults with myself...and I hate that!  This week I just kept thinking "how long until I actually like my body?"  
  • I am still struggling to include exercise in my daily routine.  I realize that this is all on me and when I make it important, it will be. Again, if weight loss were my only goal, I suppose this wouldn't be that big of a deal - weight loss is 70% determined by what we eat.  BUT, my goal is long term change and fitness - so continuing to ignore exercise isn't really going to fly.  Also, I know that exercise will reshape my body - see above struggle - clearly this is going to be important to me.  So many of the weight loss blogs I read talk about not including exercise until well into their journey, or even after hitting goal weight.  They aren't really promoting that - its just how it happened - I swear I use that as an excuse to wait....but, I don't want to do that.  I just don't.  I hope next week I have better results to report on this front!
Start of week 7 - 27.8 lbs. gone - many, many, many to go...but feeling good about the progress and motivated for the week to come!

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo! Awesome job Connie! Keep moving forward girl! You can do it:)
